What is Abstract Art? Abstract art for me is about intuition, emotion and spontaneity. Creating abstract art is to look beyond what can visually be seen to communicate a powerful image on canvas that reveals more than what is immediately apparent.
My abstract paintings stem from various sources and document discoveries made during my investigations. There is no perceived idea for the final imagery; instead, I have specific aspirations for my work. Abstract paintings should be visually engaging, expressive and coherent, while still portraying chaos. I respond to the mark making done on the canvas and each step in the evolution of the painting reveals the next step in the process of my exploration.
The content of my work uses a pictorial language, which deals with color, form, composition, process and chaos in order to create its own reality. My work is not meant to relay a personal philosophy, political, social or cultural commentary of the world. My objective is to create paintings that contain ambiguities of space, color and form. My paintings are personal and allow me to express a personal journey of transformation that is a reflection of a range of internal emotions and complexities of my life.